Eagle Vivia International Academy

CAS Programme

Our unique CAS experience for school students

CAS stands for Creativity, Action, and Service. Man does not live by “head” alone! Education neither begins, nor ends in the classroom; indeed, essential aspects of learning exist in the world outside.

CAS counterbalances the emphasis on academic, individual achievement with experiences that primarily benefit others who need help.

Additionally, CAS aims to challenge and extend everyone to develop a spirit of discovery and self-reliance; to encourage personal skills and interest; to inspire awareness, concern, and responsibility to serve the community.

The most meaningful CAS experience comes from spending time with others to build relationships and develop the self-worth of both the server and the served.

Reflection upon community service is also an important key to the community service experience. Reflection and critical thinking about their experiences help students to learn through a mix of theory, practice, observation, thought, and action.

Major colleges are also recognising the importance of volunteerism in a student’s education and are considering this as an important factor in a comprehensive education.

As part of our CAS series, we explore creativity, activity, and service through individually focused days in Karnataka State, India. Karnataka in India, our flagship destination, has a plethora of options to inspire and motivate students to delve deeper into the true meaning of CAS and the opportunities to make it a defining element of their IB Diploma Programme. From innovative and eye-opening street art workshops to working at cooperatives and federations, planning, preparing, and cooking a meal for more than 70 homeless people in cooperation with local charities, the CAS programme is guaranteed to invigorate your school’s CAS programme.

Eagle Vivia International Academy serves as the base for all the programmes – providing food, accommodation, transport, infrastructure, and programme coordination. Our aim is to provide a safe, supportive, and structured environment within which participants can make the most of these exceptional experiences.



Fee Includes


Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. All meals will include a vegetarian and non vegetarian option. There will also be Coffee/Tea/Juice twice a day.


EVIA will provide for all transportation from the time the participants arrive at the Bengaluru Airport/Train/Bus Station to their departure from the Bengaluru Airport/Train/Bus Station.


Lodging is in shared rooms/dormitories, while on or off campus.

Infrastucture on campus

Includes access to the bio-diversity reserve, computers with internet facility, classrooms, auditoriums, sports facilities and audio visual equipment.


EVIA also has an agreement with health centres for all medical emergencies. Students will be emailed a medical form which includes details of vaccinations and precautions to be taken before travel.


We will provide a welcome kit which contains articles to be read, stationery and the daily program schedule.

Programme Coordination

The program facilitators have identified and set up volunteer projects, guest speakers, skill development workshops, field trips and cultural activities for the duration of the programmes- both on and off campus.

Entrance fees and tickets

to all non-optional group excursions and activities.

Safety and Security

EVIA has 24-hour security guarding its entire campus. Campus supervisors and an excellent support staff manage all the administrative requirements. All our vehicles and drivers are certified and insured. The well-being of every participantis our foremost priority.

All participants must have travel and medical insurance. Insurance is not covered in the program fee.

Please plan to arrive and depart from Bengaluru. A program coordinator along with a school vehicle will pick you up from the airport/train or bus station. 

Please apply for a multiple entry “Tourist Visa” or “Entry Visa” at the Indian Embassy closest to you.  We will send you an invitation letter that will support your visa application.

A detailed program specific packing list will be emailed to you closer to the date of the program.  

The campus has computers and internet facilities and while on travel all the places we visit will have internet kiosks for you to email your families.

As the program cost covers all meals, board and transport, you will need money for souvenirs, calling home and buying snacks.  Our recommendation is that you carry a maximum of US$300 with you.  There are several places you can exchange money.  You can also carry a credit card as there are ATMs easily available where you can withdraw money. 

We encourage you to change a little money immediately on arrival at the airport (not more than US$30) so that you have a few Indian rupees with you for immediate use or in an emergency.

Each program will have a minimum of two faculty coordinators and two student coordinators from EVIA.  Depending on the group size the number of coordinators increase.  On average, in each program, we have 25 students participating from around 12 to 18 countries.